中谍3/职业特工队3/不可能的任务3/ Mission A Night for Ray Charles (2004) 第76届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards (2004) 2004 MTV Movie Awards (2004) The 61st Annual Golden Globe Awards (2004) "Retrosexual The Making of 'Collateral' (2004) ESPY Awards (2004) 最后的武士 The Last Samurai (2003) 欲盖弥彰 Shattered Glass (2003) Narc Martial Arts in Motion Picture (2002) AFI's 100 Years... 100 Passions (2002) Road to the Red Carpet (2002) Who Is Alan Smithee? (2002) Hitting It Hard (2002) Prelude to a Dream (2002) The 54th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards (2002) 第74届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 74th Annual Academy Awards (2002) Shirtless A Life in Pictures (2001) 第73届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards (2001) Young Hollywood Awards (2001) A Look Inside A Tribute to Heroes (2001) Code of Conduct (2001) 碟中谍2/谍中谍2/不可能的任务2/职业特工队2 Mission The Making of 'M Improbable (2000) 木兰花 Magnolia (1999) 大开眼戒/紧闭双眼/大开眼界 Eyes Wide Shut (1999) The American Film Institute Salute to Dustin Hoffman (1999) 永无止境 Without Limits (1998) Junket Whore (1998) 甜心先生/征服情海/杰里·马奎尔 Jerry Maguire (1996) 碟中碟/不可能的任务/职业特工队 Mission The Vampire Chronicles (1994) 堕落天使 "Fallen Angels" (1993) 糖衣陷阱/黑色豪门企业 Firm, The (1993) 大地雄心/远离家园 Far and Away (1992) 义海雄风/军官与魔鬼/好人寥寥 Few Good Men, A (1992) 第63届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 63rd Annual Academy Awards, The (1991) 雷霆壮志/霹雳男儿/雷声四起/雷鸣的日子 Days of Thunder (1990) 生于7月4日 Born on the Fourth of July (1989) 花心情圣/鸡尾酒 Cocktail (1988) 雨人/手足情未了 Rain Man (1988) 龙威虎将 Young Guns (1988) 金钱本色 Color of Money, The (1986) 壮志凌云/捍卫战士 Top Gun (1986) 诡秘怪谈/黑魔王 Legend (1985) 步步登天/奋斗年华 All the Right Moves (1983) 处男有难/失贞记 Losin' It (1983) 小教父/局外人/被摒弃的人 Outsiders, The (1983) 危险的行业/保送入学/乖仔也疯狂 Risky Business (1983) 无尽的爱 Endless Love (1981) 熄灯号/勇者无敌 Taps (1981)