中文版歌词: 栀子花开,So beautiful so white 这是个季节 我们将离开 难舍的你害羞的女孩 就像一阵清香 萦绕在我的心怀 栀子花开 如此可爱 挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈 光阴好像流水飞快 日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉 栀子花开啊开栀子花开啊开 像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱 栀子花开 如此可爱 挥挥手告别欢乐和无奈 光阴好像流水飞快 日日夜夜将我们的青春灌溉 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 像晶莹的浪花盛开在我的心海 栀子花开呀开栀子花开呀开 是淡淡的青春纯纯的爱 英文版歌词: Gardenia in blossom, so beautiful so white.we'll be apart in such sweet seasondon't be so shy flowery babyyou're mile fragrances everywhere around meGardenia in blossom, so lovely so nicenever leave me in such beaut seasonwave to happines sand sadnessdon't be so forgetful whenever we were so youngGardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heart Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and pureness loveGardenia in blossom,so lovely so nicenever leave me in such beaut seasonwave to happines sand sadnessdon't be so forgetful whenever we were so young Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heart Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and pureness love Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heart Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and pureness love Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heart Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and pureness love Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomlike a sweet dream bless me in my heart Gardenia in blossom,Gardenia in blossomremember there youth.and pureness love 扩展资料 《栀子花开》是中国内地男艺人何炅推出的第一支单曲。由吴娈作词作、谱曲、周笛编曲,收录在何炅2004年7月发行的第一张专辑《可以爱》中。 翻唱歌手为阿兰·达瓦卓玛,收录专辑《声声醉如兰》。 何炅,1974年4月28日出生湖南长沙,中国内地主持人、演员、歌手。1998年起,主持主持湖南卫视访谈类综艺节目《快乐大本营》。